Monday, December 3, 2012

Autism - Awareness Isn't Enough

Awareness isn't enough.  To be aware simply means you have knowledge of something.  It implies a degree of indifference.  You can be aware, or observe, without feeling one way or another.  You are not denying its existence.  You can be aware of just about anything, but don't necessarily have to show acceptance. 

Acceptance on the other hand, is showing approval.  For example, let's say I give you a gift.  If you told me you were aware of the gift; that sounds cold.  But if you accept a gift, it has the connotation that you embrace or welcome it.

That's why, to me, awareness isn't enough.  Yes, autism exists.  We can't deny that.  But as a people, are we accepting of it?  How can we embrace it?  How can we adjust our lives to accomodate it, not just be "aware" of it?   

                                        Support acceptance without saying they're a puzzle:

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